Educating, Inspiring, Celebrating since 1988

Thank you for helping make our 35th Chamber Music Festival a Success!

It was truly a fantastic series of concerts performed by exceptional musicians.  Your support was instrumental in making this happen and we would like to thank the community for all that you do in order to bring this festival here every year.


website newsletter

We are excited to introduce our NEW quarterly newsletter, Quarter Notes!  We hope it will be a fun way to keep you up-to-date with our events and local community art happenings.  It will be sent by email, so check your inboxes!  If you aren't a subscriber, click here to sign up.  A PDF of our newsletter is available here Quarter Notes Issue 1


Senate Resolution No. 206

ArtsLIVE! was honored with the presentation of Virginia Senate Resolution No. 206 at the May 15th festival concert by Senator Tara Durant.  It was given as an expression of the General Assembly's admiration for the organization's history and its contributions to the Commonwealth.



ArtsLIVE! Board of Directors, and the Fredericksburg Chamber Festival musicians, are beyond grateful for the Proclamation presented by the mayor of Fredericksburg, the Honorable Kerry P Divine, Tuesday, April 23, 2024. 



GuideStar Seal

We recently earned a Candid Silver Seal of Transparency!  Check out our nonprofit profile to keep up to date with our impact. Keep this link handy, we want to make sure you always have the information you need to support our work with trust and confidence.

Introducing PayPal Giving Fund

PayPal Giving Fund helps people support their favorite charities online.  PayPal receives donations through PayPal, Ebay, and other technology platforms and make grants to their donors' favorite charities.

It is free of fees, so we receive 100% of the donation!

You can click the link to our fundraising page to donate, or set us up in your PayPal and Ebay accounts as your favorite charity.  Every time you make a purchase you can donate $1 to ArtsLIVE!

Did you know that ArtsLIVE! is the longest and continuously active performing arts nonprofit organization in the Fredericksburg region?

This year we celebrate our 34th year of promoting and supporting the performing arts, theatre, dance, choral and instrumental music of all kinds!

ArtsLIVE! is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Our Mission

Inspiring and Educating Audiences and Celebrating the Performing Arts in the Rappahannock Region

ArtsLIVE! is committed to

    • providing high-quality performances in theatre, dance, vocal and instrumental music for ALL people in our community
    • promoting local talent as well as state, national and international artists
    • fostering partnerships with schools, businesses, civic organizations, and other arts groups
    • engaging diverse audiences with a rich array of programming

Our History

Founded in 1988 by internationally renowned harpist Heidi Lehwalder and other visionary arts lovers of this community, the Fredericksburg Festival of the Arts evolved from a small, world-class chamber music festival into a premier, year-round presenter of the performing arts in the Rappahannock region.

In 2011, the name was changed to the Fredericksburg Festival of the Performing Arts (FFPA) and we added an identifying line that really captures the motivating force of our organization: educating • inspiring • celebrating since 1988.

In 2017, FFPA changed its name to ArtsLIVE!  We look forward to delight audiences with an ambitious calendar of musical and theatrical performances of the highest artistic integrity.

Our work is made possible through the efforts of our volunteers and the contributions from community-minded individuals and businesses, and government grants. 

This project was supported [in part] by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.